
Welcome / Bienvenidos

Welcome to St. Athanasius Catholic Church.

Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Catolica, Apostolica, Romana: San Atanasio

St. Athanasius Church is a gathering of baptized persons committed to living out the call of the Gospel to promote justice and equality. The community is dedicated to living an active life of prayer, both public and private. It is also dedicated to a full sense of inclusivity in all of its activities. The sacraments of the Catholic Church are the?principal?means by which the community is fed spiritually.

All people are welcome at any time to join us as we journey through life
together with Christ our?Savior?and His Spirit.

La Iglesia de San Atanasio, somos una comunidad de Bautizados comprometidos a vivir el Evangelio, a promover la justicia y la igualdad.

Esta Comunidad, vive activamente su vida de Oracion, en ambas formas, Oracion Publica y Privada. Tambien es activa e inclusiva en todas las actividades parroquiales. Es una comunidad que tiene como base de su vida espiritual, los Sacramentos de la Iglesia Catolica.

Todas son bienvenidos en todo momento, a integrarse en nuestro caminar a travez de la vida, juntos en Cristo nuestro Salvador y su Santo Espiritu.