
Affording WA

Worcester Academy is committed to enrolling a student body diverse in interests, talents, race, ethnicity, and economic background. While we firmly adhere to the principle that the primary responsibility for funding a student’s education lies with the family, we understand financial aid will be necessary to enable some students to attend the Academy. The goal of our financial aid program is to help bridge the gap between what a family can reasonably be expected to contribute, and costs associated with attending WA. Financial aid decisions are made independent of admission decisions.

Tuition & Fees 2024-2025

- $40,225 

UPPER SCHOOL DAY (Grades 9–12) - $44,225 

DOMESTIC BOARDING (Grades 9–PG only) - $60,225

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (Grades 9–PG only) - $75,225


Technology Fee: $775
Tuition Refund Plan (TRP): 1.6% (mandatory unless tuition is paid in full)
Meals: Day tuition includes lunch. Boarding tuition includes all meals.

List of 1 items.

  • Financial Aid Application Process

    Worcester Academy subscribes to Clarity to determine a family’s eligibility to receive financial assistance. Visit the Clarity website to find out how the financial aid process works at independent schools and what steps you must take to apply. You will find tips on completing the application accurately and on time, as well as learn how schools determine your eligibility and consider your special circumstances. 
    All families (new and returning) must complete the Clarity Application each year. You may start the financial aid application using estimated data as early as November. A completed application with all required documentation is due no later than February 1 for new families, and January 1 for returning families.
    Read our FAQs for more information on how our Financial Aid process works.

Financial Aid FAQs

List of 17 frequently asked questions.

  • How do we start the process?

    To be considered for financial aid, the Clarity application must be completed and submitted along with all pertinent tax and employment forms by the deadline.

    New Students:
    PFS and all Federal Tax Forms for the prior calendar year are due February 1st.
    Current calendar year Federal Tax Forms must be submitted by May 1st.

    Returning Students:
    PFS and all Federal Tax Forms for the prior calendar year are due January 1st.
    Current year Federal Tax Forms must be submitted by May 1st.

    Late applications from new or returning students may be considered for any funds remaining after May 1st.

    Visit Clarity to begin your application.
  • What is the cost of attendance?

    Tuition and fees are the largest part of what it costs to attend Worcester Academy, but not the only costs. Tuition and fees cover athletics, day student lunches, boarding student meals, and boarding student housing. Books, school supplies, transportation, spirit wear, and compliance with the Worcester Academy dress code are in addition to tuition and fees. 
  • Will failure to meet deadlines affect the possibility of receiving financial assistance?

    Yes. To be considered for tuition assistance, both prospective Worcester Academy families and those with students currently enrolled must complete the Clarity application by the deadline. You may start the financial aid application using estimated data as early as November. 

    Financial assistance is allocated to those families who meet the PFS deadlines.  If a re-enrolling or new family has not met Worcester Academy’s published guidelines regarding financial aid or enrollment, they will not be considered for financial assistance until after April 15th. At that time, it is unlikely that funds will still be available.
    Please Note: Existing WA families who have never applied for financial aid must demonstrate a change in the family’s financial circumstances that was not foreseeable upon initial enrollment in order to be considered for financial assistance.
  • How much should a family expect to contribute?

    Worcester Academy expects every family to do all it reasonably can to meet educational expenses. Financial assistance, where possible, makes up the difference.
  • Does Worcester Academy award merit scholarships?

    No. All assistance is based on a family’s demonstrated financial need. Worcester Academy does not offer academic, athletic, or merit awards.
  • How is financial aid calculated?

    Worcester Academy uses a third party financial aid service in order to determine our families' financial assistance awards. Clarity provides a report based on factors such as household income and expenses, number of children in tuition-charging schools and colleges, and assets and debts. WA's financial aid committee makes adjustments to this report, given case-by-case family information and WA-specific policies. WA tries to meet as much demonstrated need as possible, but can't guarantee it. 
  • Will my family's financial assistance change from year to year? What if my finances change?

    All families must reapply for financial assistance every year. All awards are reviewed using current financial information. If there is little change in a family’s financial situation, you can expect your financial assistance to be renewed at a similar level. Tuition increases, however, are generally shared between the family and Worcester Academy. Should a family’s need change dramatically, Worcester Academy will try to be responsive to the increased need.
  • If I apply and qualify for financial aid for my child, am I guaranteed to receive assistance?

    Unfortunately not. We do our very best to work with as many families as possible when awarding financial aid. The process is very competitive, however, and we are often unable to work with every family that applies for and qualifies for financial aid.
  • Is financial assistance available for international student applicants?

    There is limited assistance available for international students. The process is highly selective. Worcester Academy requires as much income and asset verification as families can provide, including tax schedules, proof of salary, bank statements, property assessments, etc.
  • Will my application for assistance affect my child's application for admission?

    Decisions on admission and financial assistance are completely separate. That being said, we have a limited financial aid budget and we receive far more requests for financial aid than we can meet. It is, therefore, possible that we may not be able to meet any part of a family’s demonstrated need. In that case, the student will be placed on a financial assistance wait list and the possibility of granting financial assistance will be reviewed should additional funds become available.
  • Is my financial information confidential?

    Yes. The Financial Aid Committee holds all submitted information in support of aid applications in the strictest confidence. Financial assistance is a confidential agreement between the recipient family and the school. Worcester Academy does not share a family’s financial information with any other party. Equally, families granted financial assistance are expected to keep confidential all details pertaining to a granted financial aid award. Worcester Academy reserves the right to amend awards in the event of a breach of this confidentiality clause.
  • What is your policy regarding divorced /separated or non-traditional families?

    We expect that, where appropriate, two adult members of the family will contribute to the cost of attending Worcester Academy. This expectation is in effect regardless of any legal agreements between family members, such as alimony agreements, pre-nuptial agreements, custody, or similar agreements. In the case of co-habitation, we will consider the entire household income, whatever the legal status of the family may be. For parents who are separated, divorced, or have never been married, we require that a complete financial aid application be provided by each parent/family. All parents, guardians, domestic partners, and/or step-parents are expected to play an appropriate role in funding a student’s education.
  • If our current year taxes are not completed by the deadlines, will our application for financial assistance be delayed?

    No. Please complete the financial aid application using estimated tax information. We require two years of tax returns to (the current year and previous year). Please check the “estimated tax” box on the Parent Financial Statement and submit your prior year tax returns as well as your W-2s for the current year. Once you have completed your current year taxes (no later than April 15), forward an official copy to the SSS BY NAIS.  No financial assistance is official until all tax forms are submitted and reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee.
  • What if I have more than one child in tuition-charging schools?

    If more than one child in a family attends a tuition-charging school, Worcester Academy requires families to apply for financial assistance at each of the institutions their children attend. Worcester Academy cannot subsidize tuition for other tuition-charging schools of any type. It is important to note that Clarity computes the total funds available for education and then divides that amount by the number of children attending tuition-charging schools. Parents may be requested to provide Worcester Academy with copies of financial assistance granted by other institutions.
  • What if I own a business or a farm?

    Parents who own a business and/or farm are required to furnish a copy of their current business tax return and the SSS Business/Farm Statement Form (available at HTTP://SSSBYNAIS.ORG/). Parents may also be asked to furnish cash flow statements, balance sheets and any other information relevant to the business. Losses due to property and/or equipment depreciation are not considered when calculating financial need. Parents who have formed limited partnerships must submit copies of the partnership return, as well as K-1 forms. We reserve the right to request additional financial information in cases where such action is deemed necessary to determine a family’s financial status.
  • What if a parent does not work?

    Worcester Academy expects parents, guardians, domestic partners, and stepparents to play an appropriate role in financing their child’s education. When a parent chooses not to work and there are no pre-school children at home, the Financial Aid Committee will add income equal to the student’s anticipated Worcester Academy tuition. Exceptions may be made if a parent is caring for a disabled or critically ill child, parent, or grandparent. Consideration may also be given to a parent who is home-schooling other siblings. Parents electing to return to school or change jobs should note that if such a choice results in a decrease in family income, then the difference will not be underwritten by financial assistance provided by Worcester Academy.
  • What if my child lives with other relatives?

    Regardless of where a child resides, if parents are living and claim the child as a dependent, the parents must complete all financial aid forms. Should other family members have legal custody of the child, forms will be required from the child’s custodians and their financial information will be factored into financial assistance calculations. In such cases, proof of legal custody will be required.

Contact Us

81 Providence Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Phone: 508-459-5841