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現在,我們終于可以和熱切期盼的家長說,我們找到了!2021暑期,PrepEdu惠宜教育邀請到了Phillips Exeter Academy 菲利普斯埃克塞特現任英語老師,為美國高中學生開設私立寄宿美高寫作基礎課程-個人陳述撰寫之藝術《The Art and Craft of the Personal Narrative》,希望把私立高中最核心最有價值的人文寫作介紹給大家。


The Art and Craft of the Personal Narrative

課程介紹 Description:


During this 8-week summer course, students will explore the foundations of effective personal writing. They will understand the importance of writing about subjects that matter to them, and they’ll?learn that?that the best writing springs from their genuine voice and interests. As students practice moving from an idea to a polished draft, they will understand the importance of revision—gaining skills in every step of the writing process along the way.

課程目標 Objective:


As they learn to find pleasure and purpose in writing, students will produce several polished pieces that they are proud to share. By the end of the term, they will be more confident and better prepared to take on the challenges of academic writing in an independent school setting.

涉及主題 Topics to be Covered:

  • Harnessing ideas and choosing meaningful topics.

  • How to narrow their focus and sharpen their purpose.

  • How to organize and structure an effective story or essay.

  • "Show, Don't Tell": Engaging and persuading the reader through evidence and supporting details.??

  • Developing the writer's voice and style.?

  • Practicing concision: Learning to write clear, lucid prose by eliminating extraneous words and phrases.

  • The importance of word choice: Using strong, active verbs and concrete nouns to add energy to their writing.

  • The importance and power of specificity.

  • Understanding the qualities of strong descriptive writing and the importance of engaging the senses.

  • Writing effective openers, conclusions, and transitions.

  • Conventions: We'll review common usage, grammar, and mechanical issues.?



While focusing on personal narrative writing—the bedrock of the writing curriculum at the instructor’s prestigious independent boarding school—students will acquire skills that translate well to all types of academic writing.


  • 第一二周:Descriptive Writing: the Building Blocks

  • 第三四周:Scene Building: Expanding Skills

  • 第五六周:Narrative Writing: Puttting it Together

  • 第七周:Writing across the Currilum, Applying Skills to other Subjects and Genres

  • 第八周: Portfolio Selection: Finalizing and Presenting Their Work


  • 針對學生:9-11年級

  • 課程時長:6月23日至8月13日,共8周,16次課32課時。

  • 課程時間:美東周三周五晚8:00-10:00,北京時間周四周六早8:00-10:00

  • 班級人數:5-12人(人數較多情況下,優先給予較高英文水平學生)

  • 課程形式:Zoom線上授課,Edmodo作業布置及提交


Ms. Moriarty, 美國著名私立寄宿高中Phillips Exeter Academy 菲利普斯??巳噩F任英語教師。弗吉尼亞大學文學學士,波士頓大學文學碩士,已在埃克塞克任教超過10年。



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波士頓惠宜教育(PrepEdu Consulting LLC)由留美化學博士荊晶 (Jing Jing Ph.D)領銜創立,全心致力于協助華裔孩子申請進入美國頂尖的私立初中、高中及本科服務。Jing博士是全職留學升學顧問,美國獨立教育顧問協會(IECA)專業資深會員,頂尖私立寄宿美高媽媽,親自實地走訪過美國東西部150多所學校,和美東多所私立學校招生官有密切聯系。其團隊成員背景強大,均畢業于哈佛大學,紐約大學,復旦大學等中外名校。 近年來,Jing博士團隊輔導的學生申請進入Phillips Academy Andover, Phillips Exeter Academy, St. Paul's School, Groton School, Taft School, St. Mark's School, Noble and Greenough School, BB&N school, Fay School, Fessenden School, Eaglebrook School,MIT,Caltech, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University, UIUC 等多所頂尖學校和大學。僅2019申請季,荊博士團隊取得18枚寄宿美初錄取,37枚寄宿美高錄取,及47枚美本錄取。其中寄宿美初錄取數居中美機構榜首。
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