251231552@qq.com5 / 5
359005216@QQ.COM5 / 5
359005216@QQ.COM5 / 5
zhangwwcn@gmail.com5 / 5
不愛睡覺(o^^o)5 / 5
caolilang0@gmail.com5 / 5
I am a ninth grader in this school. This school has complete facilities, friendly teachers and high academic standards. It is easy to get along with classmates, and the meals every day are delicious. The environment inside and around the dormitory is very good, and it is equipped with a gym and a reading room. Students have many interesting clubs and the school's extracurricular activities are very diverse.
有幫助(0) 無幫助(0) 2024-03-05 -
2329218330lyu@gmail.com5 / 5
ccryanliu@gmail.com5 / 5
123herculez.16@gmail.com5 / 5
bruh5 / 5
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