郭靜仁女士本科畢業于斯坦福大學,后取得哈佛大學醫學院醫學博士,哈佛公共衛生學院公衛博士,哈佛商學院MBA, 也是哈佛商學院Blavatnik Fellow。
郭女士現在波士頓從事教育事業, 在繼續指導美高和美本同學的同時,她也計劃寫書與家長們分享她在教育領域的豐富經驗。
Liz Kwo received her M.D. from Harvard Medical School, M.B.A.
from Harvard Business School, M.P.H. from Harvard T.H.Chan School of
Public Health, and B.A. from Stanford University. She is a Blavatnik Fellow at Harvard Business School.
Ms. Kwo is a physician entrepreneur with passion to improve healthcare and education through technological advances by scaling early stage operations into profitability. She now is in Boston to continue to run the US education business while continuing to mentor high school and college students and plans to write a book about her experiences in education and mentorship to share with parents.
1. 時間管理的技能
2. 保持身心健康的技能
3. 積極溝通的技能
北京時間5月26日 周六 晚8:00-9:00