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別猶豫,該提交。 第一,單說SSAT成績,2310分還是不錯的,申請這些學校——即便”頂級“,也并非非得滿分才行。你在后續的面試、文書環境,以及你的課外活動都能充分展示、并補充這個。因此,不必投鼠忌器。 第二,許多頂級美高,明確要去SSAT。我逐家統計過,FS的T30、A+級美高,約20%必須要SSAT或ISEE。沒有——是不給申請的。 第三,即便有的說test optional,也別會錯意、信以為真。只是他們真實的意思依然是——”嚴重推薦“,strongly recommended 或 encouraged。因此,千萬別被表象迷惑,真就TEST OPTIONAL啦(過幾天我會給出一家家美高的仔細分析,看看到底這optional是真的否)。 第四,今年申請,美國已經大致正常。絕大多數人都有,你為什么沒有? 以下,是頂尖美高格羅頓中學招辦的公開說明,望你認真閱讀、仔細揣摩、深刻領會(鏈接:https://www.groton.org/admission/how-to-apply): Groton School requires applicants to submit standardized test results. For entry in 2021 and 2022, this requirement was suspended because of health concerns at testing sites. Standardized test results are one of many factors that help admission offices determine whether or not a school is a good fit for an applicant. Transcripts, recommendations, test results, and the Candidate Statement are all important in assessing an application. Without test results, great applicants may be overlooked. When admission counselors are unfamiliar with an applicant's school, test results help to contextualize an application. Testing helps us fulfill one of our primary objectives: enrolling a diverse and talented student body. Some see standardized testing as a barrier preventing access to a great education. We see testing as a means to overcome barriers such as incomplete recommendations and grade inflation. Standardized testing helps applicants from many different backgrounds become students at Groton School. Through the years, the majority of admitted applicants have submitted test scores that are quite strong, but this is certainly not true for everyone. Test scores are evaluated with consideration of each applicant's educational background. They are only one of many factors considered in an application to Groton.
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iBridge Education 慧橋國際教育 紐約Julia老師 通過 網站 回答于2022-11-09 01:02:53 |
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選Offer 各位老師好,女孩已拿到EHS和Mercersburg錄取,請問這兩個學校的優勢和劣勢?學術壓力如何?從美本的升學考慮,哪個更好?謝謝! ( 2個offer )
FS用戶 通過網站提問于2022-03-25 00:13:48
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兩校差別還是很大的:Mercersburg Academy的師生比是UWC CSC的兩倍,師資力量也遠強于UWC CSC的,教師薪水也遠高于UWC CSC,還有建校歷史相差20倍! 即使是大學申請優勢,也是美國的這所學校強。注意:你要比較的應該是中國學生申請美國大學的情況。網上看到一位UWC家長寫的片斷,附上供你參考:“進UWC不等于進藤校,更不意味著進哈佛。盡管UWC已經是國內藤校錄取率數一數二的位置,但也只有10%左右,前30的大U也只有30%左右。” 此外,“從歷年全球統考成績看,UWC的平均分在35-36分左右” (UWC家長原話),這個成績還比不上國內的一些外語學校的國際部的學生所取得的,更比不上香港的 IB 學校的成績。 一個說得過去的原因選擇UWC CSC是疫情當下,加上國內的清零政策,使得中國留學生往返美國和中國變得非常不容易。不過,現在來看,中國的清零政策有改變的趨勢。
7edu-Dr. Jing 通過 網站 回答于2022-03-25 03:32:49 |
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