Canterbury's English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are designed for those international students who study at the School, but who need to improve their English skills. The goal of the ESL program is to mainstream the student into the School's regular curriculum and prepare the student to qualify for a Canterbury diploma. International students must be enrolled in and pass mainstream English courses throughout their Sixth Form year.
我個人認為有ESL課程不一定是好事,因為學得簡單,提高也慢。Canterbury School是一所天主教學校,它的學術和升學都比較一般,但其他方面都還是相當不錯的。學校對AP課程比較重視,提供20多門AP課程,包括幾乎所有中國留學生喜愛的AP課程,比如AP微積分,AP物理C,AP經濟學等。