The Gunnery announced today that it is changing its name after 170 years to The Frederick Gunn School. The change honors the vision and ideals of school founder Frederick Gunn, an outdoorsman and naturalist recognized as the founder of camping in the United States, a courageous abolitionist, a leader of the Underground Railroad in Washington, and a pioneering educator. -
是的,原本的Gunnery 改名為Frederick Gunn School,學校的教師團隊和教學風格都沒有太大變動哦。 -
"Peter Becker, the head of the school, told the Republican-American newspaper that the Gunnery has not always lived up to Gunn’s ideals and the name change was made in part to remind the community of what he stood for." 主要為了強化和提醒Gunn的使命,不會有巨大的變化。