Icahn Scholar 是給那些家庭經濟上需要幫助才能送子女去 Choate 上學的獎學金。基本都是給美國本土低收入家庭的。
學校官網準確信息:Originally created through the generosity of the Icahn Charitable Foundation, the Choate Icahn Scholars Program aims to make a difference in the lives of bright, motivated students. Each year Choate identifies up to ten students in its applicant pool that have significant levels of financial need, have established strong ties to their community, come from under resourced educational systems, and who demonstrate leadership potential. In addition to meeting their demonstrated tuition need, Choate Icahn Scholars receive financial assistance for books and academic supplies, transportation to and from home for the 4 major school breaks, and other school related needs. Choate Icahn Scholars attend Choate's Summer Programs free of charge the summer before matriculation, at which point they commence the lifelong bonding of the Choate Icahn cohort group, which serves as a support system (along with the Program Director and advisers) to enable each individual to maximize their experience at Choate and beyond.
Recipients for the Choate Icahn Scholars Program are identified by the Admission Committee during the selection process. There are no additional requirements or application materials for eligibility. -
1. 首先這個項目,對絕大部分大陸身份的家庭和學生是不適用的。
2. CHOATE ICAHN SCHOLARS喬特-伊坎學者項目最初是通過伊坎慈善基金會的慷慨解囊而設立的,該項目旨在每年為最多10名聰明、積極的(學術天賦、領導潛力和致力于服務社區)學生的生活帶來改變,他們的家庭有資格獲得全額(或幾乎全額)的學費援助。除了學費的財政援助外,學校的費用也包括學習用品、書籍、假期的往返交通以及其他津貼。在入學前的暑假,Choate Icahn獎學金獲得者還可免費參加學校的暑期課程。
3. 簡而言之就是選10個學生,免費來choate學4年(幾乎費用全包,或者直接叫免費讀Choate的全額學費獎學金項目)
4. 對美國的亞裔學生來說,除非有很大的社區影響力,申請這個項目也是非常非常困難的。