最佳回答BrothersEdu創始人盧可老師 中級顧問一般比較規范的走讀學校都是會給學生安排寄宿家庭的,基本不會讓學生自己找寄宿家庭的,所以這點可以放心。學校安置寄宿家庭一般就是兩種方式:
1. 學校的教職員工家里,直接就接待國際生了,相當是學校自己內部就消化了,我之前也幫助學生申請到這些走讀牛校,我學生直接住到校長家里了,非常滿意。
2. 第二類就是學校委托第三方機構來劍館,比如您問到的這個學校La Jolla Country Day School,學校是通過指定的中介機構來安置寄宿家庭的,基本上孩子在校的情況每個月都會有反饋過來
以上基本就是美國的day school對于住家安置的2種方式,其實還有第三種不是很常規的,就是比如自己的親戚家在學校邊上,離得比較近的,也可以跟學校提申請,讓親戚家當做寄宿家庭, 不過每個學校的政策都是不一樣的,需要具體跟學校溝通,你也可以根據自身的具體情況跟學校溝通。
希望以上解答能夠對你有所幫助,祝順利! -
學校網頁上有詳細的說明。學校不是很歡迎留學生從國外直接申請,如果要申請,得通過學校指定的中介機構 International Education Management, Inc. (IEM) 安排寄宿家庭。https://www.ljcds.org/admission/international-applicants
學校希望國際生最好是家長陪同住在一起,如果家長確實無法陪同,學校要求和制定機構IEM 對接,請看官網信息,有明確的說明:
If a parent is not living with a student and the family is interested in having the student attend La Jolla Country Day School, the following guidelines apply:
All international student applicants who require an F-1 visa to attend school in the United States will need to contact International Education Management, Inc. (IEM). This includes students who currently attend a school in the U.S. on an F-1 visa. IEM will assist with all inquiries, applications and, should admission be awarded, the enrollment process. Should a student be offered admission and the offer of admission be accepted, IEM will also provide a comprehensive set of student support services such as legal guardianship, assistance with I-20 related matters, health insurance, housing and various activities. LJCDS is unable to work with international students independent of our partner, IEM.