Hi Echo,
In fact any answer you get here may not be official. If you know which schools you are interested, I would suggest you to contact those schools' admission office directly. Every contact you make with the schools will help you to become a stronger candidate. One thing you are right about. The counselors at your school may not be that helpful in applying for the colleges in the east due to your current school's location.
It will be hard to apply for 11th grade. And one school accepted one last year doesn't necessarily mean they will this year. You have to get in touch with the schools.
Hope this helps. Good luck! -
個人意見, 既然你要準備, 就準備SAT, 考好, 申請好高中, 不成功, 到時申請大學, 其實 11年級轉學, 您這樣的情況以前10名為目標, 最好是一顆紅心, 兩種準備。 原因下面老師已經講了。前10名的學校, 只要有名額, 應該時都可以接受 SAT 的。
你好,如果是申請Top10學校的11年級,可能性幾乎接近于零,因11年級是要準備申請大學的年級,學校和老師對你的以前一無所知,很難接納你,至于考試考什么?每個學校的要求不一樣,看學校的官方網站就可以,多數要求SAT。要是你有把握考出好成績,申請10年級(再讀)的錄取率可能還會高一點,其實你要是能考出高分(SAT),直接申請名牌大學不是更好嗎?你去TOP10也是為了上名牌大學是不是啊?TOP10的學校能考取 常青藤+MIT+斯坦福 也只是在35%以下。你要是在現在的學校能進前幾名的話,可能比你去TOP10學校更容易考取名牌大學。希望能幫助你。加油。