Dana Hall是女校,Wellesley也是女子大學,都在Boston, 所以Dana Hall的畢業生多幾個去Wellesley很正常,可能就像所謂的有一些叫做feeder school。Wellesley也是非常棒的學校啊,宋慶齡,希拉里都是這里畢業的。
波士頓的Dana Hall School,在寄宿學校的各項衡量指標里面,算不錯了,也算女校里面比較有名的學校。畢業走向,不算單一,有去不同大學的。學費在寄宿高中里面,算正常的,現在的寄宿學校,基本都這個價格。
中國學生的多少,看你的衡量指標是什么?,F在有的學校是嚴格控制比例,一個學校有10多個,有的學校好點的,就像Choate Rosemary Hall,也有40來個中國人(臺灣,香港,大陸)。
因為中國申請者,太多了,只要中國的教育不改革,有機會,有條件出國的,大家都想出來的,而且擠破頭的要進好學校~ -
Dana Hall has around 20% international students. So if you factor in the students from Hong Kong, Korea, India and Japan, there should not be a lot of students from China. Most of the top schools have a large Asian population, but many of them are born in the States.
No, not a lot of students end up going to Wellesley. This is their matriculation list for the last 5 years: http://www.danahall.org/college_counseling/matriculation_list
Dana Hall sends their students to some of the best colleges in the country.
Dsna Hall's tuition is on the high side, possibly because it is a smaller school.
You might want to know, just in case, that Dana Hall is an all girls school. -
最后去Wellesley College的同學絕對不是大部分,一般一年也是3個學生左右去。