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我是一名97年的10年級學生,在一個走讀天主高中就讀,是9年級春季入學的。1年前裸考了小托福780分和ssat,因為學校 地域 和中介的原因現在想轉學,首選寄宿,走讀也可以,轉到一個設施齊全,正規口碑好的高中希望多大?還需要狠抓標準化成績么?我沒有太多余力照顧T和S。問題是現在的學校也沒差到非轉不可的地步,所以選擇轉學值不值得?有幾成把握?歡迎老師前輩們回答 謝謝!

Rosie 通過 網站 提問于2013-09-14 07:47:00
  • 回答于09/26/2013
    Since you are already in a school in the US, I believe that your English grade is sufficient and you don't need to take the TOEFL. That is unless your English grade is not good then you might have to consider doing that. As for the SSAT, some schools will want it but some might waive that. When my daughter transferred from PEA to Milton, she didn't have to take the SSAT again since she already took one the year before.
    Your chances are much better transferring from a US school to another US school. But the percentage depends on which school you are applying to.
  • 回答于09/15/2013
    想轉的話, 最好有托福成績, 另外有些學校也會安排10年級考psat, 這個成績有些學校也是可以接受的。
  • 回答于09/15/2013
    你好! 你美國成績如果還不錯的話,春季寄宿學校10年級下申請成功的幾率比較大。我建議你去考一個托福成績,不用很高,70多分就有用處。