我的建議是學校的招待會盡可能參加,一般這樣的招待會由在讀家長贊助,通過在讀家長你能更深入了解學校;第二個招待會一般會來招生辦的老師,如果你的孩子能給這位老師留下深刻的印象那就更好。我女兒當年參加了lawrenceville school在北京的招待會,由當時贊助的家長給我們轉介紹了一下給招生辦主任,同時她在校園面試的另一位招生老師對她評價也非常高,我想這可能是學校能錄取她的原因之一。
For information sessions, you should always go if the school is your top choice. That way the school will, 1) know that you were there and that you are interested in the school, 2) you have something to talk about in the interview and 3) you get to shake hands with the presenter, although he/she may not remember you (so think of something interesting to say).