您還沒考托福, 那托福準備什么時候考?我同意誠誠爸爸的建議, 盡快考一次托福, 知道自己的真實水平。再有目的有計劃地準備標準化考試。2200的ssat, 托福至少100分左右了。真能到2200, 比較好的高中可以申請了, 但申請又是看各個方面的, 并不全是標準化成績。
Very good high schools, as in PEA, Milton, Andover, the students needs 100 TOEFL minimum and the SSAT should be around 90% .
However, the schools will also look at school grades, teacher recommendations, interviews and extracurricular activities, not only the scores.
翻譯:好的高中像PEA, Milton, Andover,TOEFL起碼要100分之上。還有SSAT也需要90%以上。但是學校不只是看公開考試的成績,還有老師的推薦信、校內成績、面試和課外活動。 -
The schools don't only look at SSAT and TOEFL scores. They will also look at school grades, teacher recommendations, essays, extracurricular activities, parent statements, etc.
翻譯:學校不是只看SSAT和TOEFL的成績。他們還看校內成績、老師推薦信、課外活動、作文和家長信(parent statement)