大家好我申請了St. George(RI)給他們遞交了vericant.不幸的是我的vericant只有10%。我還沒去他們學校面試。招生官給我回了一個inquiry的郵件。想讓大家幫我看看啥意思。是不是同意我去校園面試了?我總感覺他們不太想讓我去。寄宿前30的學校是不是都很難得到校園面試機會呢?
Greetings from the Hilltop!
Thank you very much for your recent inquiry. We are very excited for the upcoming school year and it has been very busy here in the admission office.
I am pleased to present you with our online view book and catalog. I hope that you find this material informative and helpful as you make this decision regarding secondary school. I hope that you are considering seriously taking this journey with us and that these materials will only bolster the strong feelings you have about St. George's. As you will see in these materials, St. George's is a school that focuses on the here and now while preparing you well for what comes after St. George's.
The next step in the process is coming to St. George's for a visit. Please call our office at (401) 842-6600 with any questions or to schedule a visit.
Please follow the following link to our view:
最佳回答兔子的傻爸 家長郵件要判斷是針對你個人的,還是普發的。
判斷方法就是:1. 是不是作為普世真理,用在誰身上都可以;2. 有沒有針對你孩子的具體的細節(抬頭寫孩子名字不算,如果你留過名字的話)
從這封郵件字面看,我認為是普發郵件,,因為:1. 換個人,這封郵件依然成立;2.我沒有看到你孩子的具體信息,比如歡迎你孩子具體某天某個時刻來面試的信息
現在的科學手段,用后臺程序都可以完成這些常規工作的處理。就是在你填寫完Inquiry Form時,只要在數據庫里留下你的郵件地址,系統就自動產生這個郵件發送給你。
你還是應該按這個郵件的要求,去電話協商是否能面試。有時,打個電話就能避開vericant,只要學校辦公室文員能給孩子留出面試時間空擋。 -
這個是統一回復郵件, 就打電話預約面試, 一步一步走。 不過 st george 高大上學校, vericant 10% 估計很懸。