各位老師同學家長好!最近收到學校發來的Waivers Of Claims 免責條款要我們簽字同意,原文如下:
Participating in School Activities may present risks associated with, for example, sports or travel. *** School, its past, current, and future officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and representatives – hereafter referred to as "The School" – shall not be held responsible for any injury, loss, or damage sustained by any person while participating in sports, travel, or any other school activity – hereafter referred to as “School Activity” – which might be caused by an accident, Act of God, or behavior which could be construed as negligence on the part of a student, a third party, or The School.
In recognition of the inherent risks of the activity in which I or my child will engage, I/we confirm that I/our child, am/is physically and mentally capable of participating in the School Activity and/or using equipment. I/we participate in School Activities willingly and voluntarily and I/we assume full responsibility for personal injury, accidents or illness, or death, and for any expenses as a result of thereof. In consideration of my/my child’s participation in any School Activity, I acknowledge that I am aware of the possible risks, dangers, and hazards associated with participation in the School Activity, including the possible risk of severe or fatal injury to me/my child or others. These risks include but are not limited to:
? Risks associated with travel to and from location(s) of the School Activity, including transportation provided by The School or by commercial, private and/or public motor vehicles.
? Illness or bodily injury, emotional and mental distress or trauma, or death incurred while participating in the School Activity.
I/we hereby authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of an injury or illness while participating in a School Activity.
I/we either have appropriate insurance or, in its absence, agree to pay the totality of the costs of rescue and/or medical services that may be incurred during my/our child’s participation in the School Activity.
I/we accept and assume the risks in giving consent for the undersigned to participate in School Activities.
I/we understand that the teachers and other adults involved in the School Activity will exercise due caution and care and that if a misfortune or accident occurs, it will be addressed and managed promptly and responsibly.
最佳回答達蒙爸爸 大連 家長也曾糾結過。